It's important to be informed. In that regard, we've been producing educational articles and products for LGBTQ home buyers and sellers for over 25 years. Two of our most popular are available for immediate download below.

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Real Estate Tips For the LGBTQ Home Buyer A Guide to Finding and Purchasing the Home of Your Dreams

Introduction: On the Hunt for Your Next Home?

Are you on the hunt for the perfect new home? Perhaps you’re currently a homeowner, but looking to make your next move – down the street, to a new neighborhood, or maybe to a new area entirely. Maybe you’re looking to upgrade, or downsize. Perhaps it’s your very first time purchasing a home. In any of these cases, at Gay Real Estate, we know that purchasing a home is an important milestone. As anyone who has owned their own home knows, the perfect home is, most importantly, a place to make and share memories with those you love, in a place that is yours. Moreover, home ownership lends itself to security and fulfillment, both personally and financially. Financially, buying a home is a savvy decision because you’re gradually building equity that you can use for a variety of purposes down the road. This is not to mention the federal tax deductions for home ownership, as well as the historic increase in the value of most homes at a rate of approximately 3 to 5% annually.

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Ready to Retire? Making Your Retirement Goals a Reality: A Guide for the LGBTQ Community

Introduction: Ready to Retire?

After a lifetime of planning and saving, you may find yourself at the beginning of a new adventure – retirement. If so, congratulations! Some of the best years of your life still lie ahead of you. Or, perhaps you’re not quite ready for retirement. You’re still in the process of saving and planning, but you’re a long-term thinker, and you want to make a long-term plan.

Whatever your particular situation, here at Gay Real Estate, we consider it a privilege to offer this guide as a way to help answer real-estate related questions that you may have about preparing for this new chapter, so you can enjoy your golden years to the fullest. We hope this guide is helpful and informative, and of course, we would always welcome the opportunity to speak with you in person to learn more about your real estate goals and interests...

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